Sunday, March 25, 2012

Frogs and Tadpoles

    Do you know about frogs and tadpoles?  Well, I will tell you. 
    First I will tell you how they are alike.  Tadpoles and frogs both eat food.  Tadpoles and frogs both move very fast in the water.  Frogs and tadpoles both breathe to live.  Tadpoles and frogs both are slimy animals. 
     Now, let me tell you how they are different.   Tadpoles are brown and  frogs are green.   Frogs are  amphibians.   Tadpoles are not  amphibians.  They only go in water.   Frogs eat worms and insects.   Tadpoles eat a plant called algae.   Frogs can jump and  tadpoles can't jump.
     Frogs and tadpoles are both wonderful animals, but I like  frogs the best.

1 comment:

Donna Hurley said...

I enjoyed reading these blogs very much. WHata great way to get second grade students to enjoy wriitng.
It was fun reading them together!
Donna Hurley